Monday, December 9, 2013

Aloha family!!!

Aloha family!!! (man Hawaii does sound nice and warm...)
Its allready Monday again, this is mental. Time goes by way to fast here! This week I have become quite popular in the mission becuase of the number of packages I have for Christmas! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa and mama and Tara for the Packages, they are sitting under our mini Christmas Tree waiting to be opened on Christmas, but dont worry the Zone leaders even took of the custom label with what is inside of it before they gave them to me! haha But thank you so much, I really dont need anything, but the thought and support from my family is the best and thank you! Did my secret sib get my present yet?? Keep your eyes peeled! UofA is number 1 in the nation...good thing I rep my UofA shirt (right next to my Aggies shirt) all the way over here! I also got the notes from the sisters and RS which was such a cool idea and I loved reading each one over and over while sitting next to the heater!
This week was full of miracles like each week normally is. I have decided Miracles are so real and Miracles happen, just like that shirt says! Everyday the Lords hand is all around us...we are so lukcy, it is just our job to distiguish and recognize that it is the Lords hand and not just conincidence!
This week we worked 3 AUF's (address unknown files from church headquarters- the lost sheep program) (Derek are you working those as well??- i think its a world wide mission thing going on now-pretty exciting) and AUF's is basically guarnateed miracles! This week we went up to Chaddedson...our area is huge and is full of about 11 small villages spread out throughout Derbyshire and it talks a while to get to them, but anyway we headed up the Chaddedson for the day to finish an AUF we started and teach a lesson from a lady we had found early when we started working it. She ended up canceling but we worked the area and began to knock 20 doors around the home. We knocked and slam, knocked, and slam. This area is a bit dodge and very low income and full of interesting people, but we continued knocking and ended up 1 hour later with 3 return appoitments including a LA we knocked into a coulple weeks past who no records here in Derby! Miracles!! We also stopped Richard the 80 year old man we met at the poppy apelle and invitied him to church and he excepted!! haha Low and Behold Sunday morning we see Richard wobbling with his walker into church and he sees us and shouts with his old man voice...well hello my sisters! he loved church despite the fact he could barely see who was speaking and not hear much , but we cam prepared and brought the massive BOM and bible and ended up setting a time for us to come round this week! haha He was loving the attention at church and told all of his gold war stories of serving 15 years in the british Legion. Richard is the Man! haha
This saturday we also had the Sister training leaders (girl ZL kind of) come down with there car to help us work some far out AUF's that are in our area but an hour bus ride away! But they came and we found so many great people but the most exciting is this philipiano family that was found that has 6 kids. They are excited for us to come around, but dang satan has allready stepped in and the kids have chicken pox so we have to wait a bit! haha But were excited, good things are coming up in our area!
There has been one tough thing, we can not fine Chris anywhere! We have stopped by, called, he doesnt answer and his phone is off and buzzer to his flat. We are getting nervous, so maybe just keep him in your prayers! We also got another new investigator this week named Karen, a referral from a member! She is in a wheelchair and has some severe health problems due to alcohol, but so sweet. We simply taught that she was a child of God and the member bore a powerful testimony about how she was inportant and a daughter of God, she ended up in tears and has began to read the Book of Mormon. Members are so inportant in the work, it cant be done without them!
Speaking of members, our ward mission leader is a legend! He has been working so hard and has come up with incredible ideas to implement in the Derby ward....hopefully (us missionaries want this) a 2nd ward soon! But we have all been working hard and creating ideas for this next year to be a powerhouse year. We have so many activities and plans including a ward MTC (workshops on missionary work), culture nights, a competition between the missionaries and members to see who can give out the most BOM, a day of the ward working with us on the streets, missionary firesides ran by us, sports night each week, chapel tours done by members and missionaries, an Open your mouth month, so many exciting things. The mission is all talking about Derby ward, and not because of the missionaries but the ward members and what is boiling! It is so humbling and exciting to be a part of! The members and the missionaries must work together to be successful, its the only way to really hasten this work! I hope I stay here, we actually find out tonight where everyone is going? I could go, or stay, but who knows! Ill let you know next week!
Zone pday was fun! Sports and pizza...good day! This friday we also have our mission christmas conference with everyone so Im really excited to see everyone I have not seen in a while, including sister andersen my girl and sister obies sanchez! It should be a really good day! Christmas time as a missionary is amazing, so different than the normal christmas season and I love it!! We are able to do our best to focus on the spirit of Christ this christmas! The offereings we give up is for example: there is a list of them given from president to us and I chose to focus on offering baptism and the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone and focusing on becoming a true preach my gospel missionary, and a few other things. Just things we are devoting ourselves to become more like the saviour this Christmas! It is powerful!
We officially got up our Christmas tree and no results yet! Grandpa Allen is my prayers today, i know he will be fine and another miracle his cancer did no spread. Our family is so blessed, and I know the Lord knows our situation and knows what we can all handle! He has many prayers coming his way! How is Teddi's eye? Amy is due next month?? So crazy and i can wait to see this sweet boy! Could I maybe get some more address for family; I need Dev and Teds address and some other family members! Please and thank you! Are we doing christmas cards this year? What is everyones plans for Christmas, What is your skype name? Ya 3 way may work, that would be incredible, figure it out becuase I will probably skype evening here which is morning in the states and afternnon in Argentina?? Not sure but fingers crossed, leave it to TJ! Hope everything is well! How is the Dally man doing? Love you all! This little boy in church said something that struck me and made me smile. They were talking about santa, him and some more of his 6 year old friends... someone said man..santa is the best, and this little boy Jacob, stops them all and says no....Jesus is the best!
Hope we can all Focus on Christ and remeber that the christmas spirit is the spirit of Christ. We are so blessed to be in this gospel and to have the knowledge of our saviour. He truely is the best! Share that spirit with others...
W9 Sister Wengert
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