Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Week

I survived my first week here at the MTC and what a week! It is so hard and so great all at the same time! Let me tell you I was a mess when I left that curbisde and miss you all so much! Thank goodness Elder Bickley came and helped me find my host sister! but ya everything is a blurr but at the same time, feels like I have been here for FOREVER! But so far so good!
My companion is Sister Driggs! She is a fireball but I love her to death! We clicked so well and have had so many good and hard moments together! She is from South Jordan and so much fun! We have had some really hard Personal Invesitgators (PIs) together but overall work really well together. There are 5 sisters and 3 elders in our district and we are all going to England together and leave in 6 days! Now I understand why everyone said Im so lucky to only be in the MTC for a week and 4 days! It is so hard, but I could not imagine learning a language! Thank goodness for english and foreign- best mission ever. Ps I see Derek...I mean Elder Wengert everywere! Haha the first time I ran up and gave him a big hug and everyone was like whattttt.... and I had to further explain but later I got in trouble for giving him a hug, supposable it was because it makes others jealous.
Me and sister Driggs taught our first lesson on friday! Our PI is named Rob and he is tough our first lesson was a fail, and my teacher was not afraid to tell us! Pretty tough, but we got to redo it the next day and it is slowly getting better. We also got to teach our first TRC investigator on Monday and  we rocked it! It was so fun and it feels so good to have done a good job! Our district is so great, we have literally became best of friends and love each one of the elders and sisters to death! I cant beleive we are leaving in 6 days! I am so exicted but so nervous! I realized that I no nothing and have so much to learn as a missionary it's not even funny! This week has had so many hard moments, but so many great ones that overide the hard ones, and I know that in the end it will just make me a better missionary.
Lets just say the food here at the Mtc....well the bananas and pinapple are great and all you can eat! haha but dont worry, sister wengert wont be gaining any weight here, excpt grandma sent me fignewtons and veggie straws:) Thank you grandma! Mom- will you foward on this email to everyone who want it:) Love ya
Sunday was so great! How was your easter! Sunday we had a meeting with all 3000 missionaries and took the sacrament and listened to Bishop Cusee the presiding bishop  in the seventy! It was so great and his talk was incredible! Definitly a diffferent kind of Easter! Later that evening we had Sherrry Dew come and talk at our fireside! She really is such an incredible lady!
I dont have much time, You are always so busy at the MTC, so Im just throwing out random things!
I love the sisters in my district, we have definitly laughed and cried together and grown so close together.
On Saturday we were all just having a rough day as a district and I wasn't feeling very weel. I had a really bad head cold and just achy all over and that evening the Elders offered us all blessings. I immediatly accepted- Elder Mcfarland gave me his first ever blessing it was so beautiful. His hands were so shaky but I know the words truly were inspired! Such a powerful expereince.
Me and Sister Driggs are officially Cordinating Sisters! haha So we get to help train the new missionaries that head in today! Well hope all is well, I cant wait to here everything about home! Miss you all! Mom I will be callin you on TUESDAY and cant wait to talk to ya! It will prob be early around 7 am! So Please answer Our flight leaves early so Tuesday expect it! Love you so much, this work is inceredible and I love being a missionary! I love this gospel and know Im right were I belong! Thanks for the letters- Seriously make a long day so worth it! Love ya all
Sister Wengert

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