Monday, April 29, 2013

Someone in ENGLAND loves YOU!

29 April 2013
Well another week has flown by and such a great week with many miracles and awesome moments! Tuesday we had a zone meeting which was so great and all about the importance of the first lesson! I finally got to meet all the elders and sisters in my Zone and even saw Elder Mcfarland and Thompson and SIster Vance from my MTC District! It was the best moment and we all stood in a circle and just said how much we have missed eachother and how it has been for all of us! I was like a mini Family reunion! The best moment! Being with so many great missionaries in one room is so powerful and a reminder of how privelaged I am to be serving in the EBM- Earths Best Mission is what we are told! But definitly a highlight of the week for sure! This week we have found some pretty solid potentials which is exciting becuase we arnt having much luck gettting in contact with some of our others! We met this really cool 17 year old kid who's mum and sister just passed away last week, it was so sad but cool to testify that he will see them again! I wanted to just hug him so bad poor guy! But hopefully this week we can met up with him and teach him the Plan of Salvation! We meet this huge black guy who literally his thighs were the size of my waist haha, huge and we had a really good conversation about Christ but in the end was not interested but before he left he said " One Tip.. Lose the badges" haha Pretty funny!
This week we also threw a suprise birthday party for a Recent Convert that I have truely come to love her and her two girls about Jordan and Janae's age! JORDY- she added me on Facebbok will you excpet her:) Maybe get to know her:) Awesome Girls! But we suprised her with cake and ballons and it made her day and ours! So fun, the cake was made with love and it looked that way, a bit dodgy but made with love. European ovens take a bit of time to get used too! haha Same with the washing machine, apparently somehow I managed to die a load of my laundry blue...just my luck! haha But I will survive! I have many lessons the hard way here! Bread does not last very long unless its frozen cause apparently American Bread is full of preservaives...shocker! But ya we keep most things in the freezer here! The other night at a Dinner App. An American family made us Elders and Sisters "Cafe Rio" burriots! I was in heaven even though they were a bit different but at this poin anything that is remotly close to the food from home is my new best friend! hahaha!
MOM! I get to SKYPE ya for MOTHERS DAY on the 12 of MAY! So im pretty excited about that, Im counting the days till I can see your faces! I miss you all so much!
This week we have quite a few lessons cancel which is very frustrating, I prepare so I can teach perfect, and no lesson! But im here for the next 18 months, odds are that I will be able to teach quite a few lessons! Just means more finding for us! Yeah :) haha but when you work hard finding that means more people to teach! So its worth it! Mom good job on your missionary efforts! You might as well just put on a tag! Your killing it and its so awesome! I also had a drunk man hit on me one day while finding! He came and almost ran me over on his bike and began to follow us and talk with us! He kept talking to us and I tried giving him a card, but said he hated American, but that we were both very attractive, but ya he would not leave us alone. But dont worry mom, Pdays we practice our self defense that the Ward missionary Mark teaches us! haha Im set, but ya pretty funny!
One day we were knocking and a church of England Pastor answers the door and starts laughing! haha He says HI Im Ben, a Church of England pastor, and you are on the closet path to satan; I almost started laughing! I couldn't beleive this was real! But I introduced ourselves and tried to give him a card and he was just tearing us apart and saying he would pray for us and slammed the door! Sister Obies Sanchez was awesome and testified to him as I wanted to run down the street so that was  a lesson learner for me! Dont ever be afraid to testify of the Truth! But the good news is that the Church of England is praying for our welfare, so we should be having some serious success soon! So thank you Church of England!
The Baptism this week was so AWESOME! and Im more fully understading why you love Missionary work! Tania was so happy the entire time! It was incredible and her mom even came to ther service- earlier she would not even come into the room with us! She was terrified of us! But she came and felt something! The feeling of Joy you feel as Tania was baptised was unlike anything I have ever felt! I love it and it makes me want to work even harder to find others to teach so the can feel what Tania has felt and the feeling of Joy you feel as a missionary is so unreal!- and Tania's mom came to Church the next sunday as well! Pretty exciting!! So We also had splits this saturday which were so great and defintily needed that! Sister Koons and Sister Nelson came to Cheltenham friday night and spent the night and Saturday we divided and concquered! It was awesome to learn from other sisters and they are just such fun girls! Sister Nelson and Siters Obies came early to the Church to begin to fill up the font, but apparently did not change the temperature on the water so when Tania went into the font to be baptised it was WAY to hot! haha I could not believe it! We had to go get buckets of ice cold water and put them into the font! Haha It was defintly a memorable baptism! haha but Tania was laughing! But such a cool expereince to be apart of! And Tania's mom said she wants to start coming more regulary to church so we are so excited to see that miracle! I played the piano at the baptism and mom can i just say THANK YOU for the 12 years of practicing! I can not thank you enough! It is really cool because I have zero time to practice, but I can pretty much play any song well and many people have commented on my playing. I dont know how, I was losing it at USU! haha But it is prett cool and am using it a lot so thank you mama!
TJ- will you put my email on my blog anyone can email me and would love anything!! Your the Best!
I want to see pictures of Prom and Janae's teeth and everythig! Mom will you email me pictures PLEASE!! Home sounds really good and about the same as when I left! That is really cool about the Boston Bombing! the USA still has hope! haha and ya mom it does feel a bit wierd being the miniority and everyday someone asks " why are you so tan" haha! But I love it here and every day things get better and better and I love the work more and more! The ward retreat sounds awesome! PS mom- sorry about your finger! I would gladly chop off my hand to have a navajo taco with extra avacoados on top! haha 17 months I will :) Jordy- good job in everything softball and all the good choices your making! Im proud of you! Janae you still love your teeth! Tanny man! The Work and the Glory are so good and Im glad your reading them! Your such a stud and wil be such a great missionary some day! My little box works great and we use it as a district every pday! USB's or CD's work great whatever is cheaper to send! I would LOVE anything!! Thank your for being you and the great family you all are! DEVIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK! Your getting OLD :) But you still got it goin on! Dont worry! Go to a shrimp Buffet for your BDay! and my sweet TY TY! HAPPY 3rd Birthday this week! I wish so badly I could be ther! TARA dont let TY forget about me! I want to see Pictures next week of his cute Birthday party! Thanks for all you do! Someone in England Loves you! The Church is True and I love this work!
w9 Sister Wengert

Monday, April 22, 2013

22 April 2013

Hello Mom, Dad, and the Fam!
Its Monday agian- and each day is getting better and better! It truely is- your week sounds like a pretty good and normal wengert week! Jordy way to go! 8th in the State for Softball- that is better than we did! and 2 over the fence! Taking after your big sister- sersiouly that is so awesome! Keep me updated on it all! So proud of you- way to represent Marana Tigers! Mom you gave out a Book of Mormon? Way to go- easier said then done! I told all the other Elders that you did and we were all so excited and were shouting and high fiving- helping the Lord's Work progress! That is so awesome- just some random lady at the Mall! Bold- something Im slowly acquiring- Being more Bold but its Coming! My ward is so great and Sundays are one of the best days in the feild! Im getting to know more of the members and have established some friendships allready! The American Young Women and I love each other and say ahhh another Amercian! haha the other day a member Sister Brazington took us shopping- such a sweet family that takes such good of Just us Sisters here not so much the Elders, but we were in the car and her 2 year old daughter taps me on the shoulder and says Hey " I Love America" in her adorable brit accent- haha we all died laughing, they have no idea were she got that from! So Cute! But Yes Baptism on Saturday- I can't wait! Even though I didnt do a whole lot I have really grown to love Tania and well send you pictures of it on Monday! Not every missionary gets to be part of a baptism in the 3rd week of her mission! We had her interview on Friday and it was an hour long, when it should be less than 30 min and me and Sister Obies Sachez were so nervous down stairs going over if we taught everything! We had Sione Kalamafone or (whoever you spell it) a professional rugby player sit and babysit the other Elder as his comp was giving the interview and we talked for a while and such a neat guy- he is from Tonga and I told him about Skyler! He said Sky will have an easy mission, unlike here he said, the food is so good but will be very different for him- but can you foward this to him! Tell him Im serving in Siones Ward in England! Crazy! But Pretty good week- This week not 13 potentials unfortuantly but still a good week a lot of canceled appoitments and Lots of Finding and yelling to us at the doors- you just learn to brush it off most of the time. (Dang Red Grove Drive is the worst) haha
This week we had a small miracle- we had 30 min before we had to be home and we were at our flat but we went out for the last 30 min and had nothing. As we were walking home and GQ'ing everyone we saw we walked by a group of huge black guys in hoods and smoking- it was dark and we were in an ally way and I was getting a bit nervous not gonna lie they were a bit dodgy really- I was about to pull out some self defense moves I had learned on last Pday! haha We didnt bother stopping them cause we were nervous, but one stopped and asked if we were mormons, I hesitatnly said yesss and he was like hey me too! We were both like WHAT- (Like Tara says What) and he said he went to church in Gloucster and now moved here but didnt know were the church here is! Hahaha Definitly a lesson learned! You never know who the gospel  can touch! But we gave him the directions to the church and just a small miracle but defintily impacted me! Pretty neat and we shared it at District meeting! The Elders were like that is so awesome!
But ya this week we have quite a few potentials that are going to allow us to stop by and share the 1st lesson so pretty exciting! Including Zxcocratee (Sock-ra-tee) who has three teeth and a intersting story but gotta love it! So im excited to really practice what I did so many times in the MTC!
On Saturday the SUN was actually shining- quite the rare occasion for England but there was a ward activity that night! So much fun we had a DA at the Church before and then and went and set up! It was such a blast they played a bunch of tv show games like jeopardy and such! We sisters were on the Young Womens team and had a blast with them! I love being with them and am getting to know them more and more and some have become my little sisters! We go and do YW on Fridays just to help out and also cause so many sisters are now serving, that were just examples of it I guess! I love it! But on one of the games we played they were playing songs and then stopping it and then asking for the lyrics! They played a Donny Osmond song and NONE of them even knew who Donny Osmand was- the adults all did but they had never heard of him. Made me feel a bit old really! Pretty Funny- It was fun to listen to "real" music for a bit! haha
Sunday I taught Gospel Principles- the Ward Mission Leader asked me the night before but I was a little stressed and it was on Sacrafice- but it ended up really good! I had lots of great comments and had lots of people complment it said it was so  "Lovely"! But it was really fun and have decided it is abetter expereince to not prepare and just teach by the spirit becuase you learn more yourself! It is a pretty awesome feeling! I love this work and am proud to be in the long line of great Missionaries that we have in this family! Dad- That geneology was really intersting thanks for that! Its funny before the mission- might have been a bit of  a bore..but its funny to see your priorities change on your mission! I love it and keep it coming! It gives me more motivation to work harder cause I have a lot to live up to! W9 Baby!
Mom- could you email me some fun sheet music just a couple every now and then if you can figure it out- maybe Like the Waterfall or some church music! I would Love it! and Just a heads up I can listen to ANY uplifting music that isnt too upbeat, our choice really! So if you have any good stuff send it or email it my way?? Maybe some Vocal Point?? You could email me? I would Love it
Elder Chardon is the best! I wish he was my district leader! He is such a stud!!!! ... Sister Wengert is such a good missionary! Good job helping her be a missionary before she even was called! Cheers! Elder Chardon - From Holland!
That was Elder Chardon haha As you could guess!
But missionary Life is so good! It is work that is for sure but this week should be a good one! Tomorow is Zone Meeting! So i will be able to see a couple in my MTC district which I cant wait! Random fun fact- people in England have Pet RATS- and I finally held one! haha Suzie Lonterman had one and insisted that I hold it Ill send a pic! Love you all and home sounds good! I want a pic of Janaes Teeth and the new horse! Love you all I love this gospel
W9 Sister Wengert

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello Love!

Well Hello my Loves!
I survived my first week so far! and wow what a week! So ya my companion is from Spain and were getting along pretty well. We have a language barrier, Im helping here learn some more english and american english at that. But she is a hard worker and has only been here 7 more weeks than me so were really learning together!  But im glad you got the Picture from Sister Rasmussen- they are seriosuly the greatest couple and remind me of how great dad and mom will be a mission presidents some day! But thank goodness for Pday today! So my Pday's are every Monday! The area of Cheltenham is such a great 1 st area! The members here are so great and we are spoiled. There are 3 sets of missionaries in this area and ward- we all work different parts of the area but all in the town of Cheltenham! So we have all gotten very close all ready! There is Elder Retzer from Canad and Elder Lyman from Kaysville Utah- He knows Khole Allen FYI! Crazy small world, and then Elder Kerr from the US and then Elder Paynter from Australia! But we are all over just one ward! Crazy huh! Were to start- Leaving the MTC was so exciting and so nerve racking! the Sunday before we loft was so great- BYU's Vocal Point gave an incredible fireside! So Awesome and got us pumped!

-Random note: Can You have DEREK aka Elder Wengert order me an English flag mission shirt in the MTC bookstore and just mail it home for me not to England! Thanks so much and size Medium Please! Love ya

England is Crazy- and by the way mom I love that you said Posh! You picking up the language allready! It comes pretty easy allready! but So different then home! Our Flat (Apartment in america) is old but homy! Besides that on Friday the power went out once- got it fixed and then came back later that night and it went again! So after calling the zone leaders and President- he gave us permission to go to Bed an hour early due to the lights! But of course the neighbors in the flat below us were having a party so we couldn't sleep anyways! Also our hot water is out at the moment so we count the rain as a shower..just kidding...but you should be able too- It rains every day here! So we never do our hair either- you could imagine we are quite the sight as we walk around! We also Walk every were- Sister Obeis Sanchez has back problems and cant bike so we walk close to 8 km a day! crazy but is nice too cause the ward members feed us almost every night! The members of this ward are so great and there are also quite a few American families which is kind of fun! But pretty much we walk and do GQ's (ask the golden question and share a card) everywhere we go but it has paid off because we had 13 potential Investigator's! The most out of our district this week! But I just love the members here- Mom I know you good with the missionaries and let me tell you as a sister missionary who gets that treatment now the appreciate it so much! Makes such a difference to us!

This week has been a rollercoster of highs and lows but now that Im adjusted Its so much better! I have been asked if I was a nun and a jehovah witness and so many other crazy things! But Im allready so much more condient in talking with everyone! On 13 April, I got my first slammed door in my face of so many more! A little shaky but It doesn't even phase me now! I actually kind of like tracting doors and the people here are so much nicer than I imagined...well some:) And of course they ask if Im American and what the heck Im doing so far away! ha With all the walking we do we have lots of time to talk so mom I taught Sister Obies Sanchez to say WHAT..hahaha and do it all the time and she calls my Jessie face the WHAT face in her cute Spanish accent ha! But I really like "CheltLum" is how you say it! The perfect first area and am excited to continue to get to know the ward! We have Dinner Appointments (DAs) every night this week-Score!

Yesterday was such a great day! Now I understand why missionaries say...You just got to get to Sunday! each week! Sundays are so busy, crazy, but so worth it! I was just welcomed in the ward so well and everyone came and introduced themselves and made me feel right at home! The ward reminds me a little of home with a few Maran's finest thrown in there! Love it and am excited to get to know everyone else more! There is a lady- sister Harris, she gives each set of missionaries a bag full of various foods Every week! She never misses! We just set the bag by the door when we come in and its overfilled when we leave! So nice of her- she said someone did it for her son and was returning the favor! So nice of her and we appreciate it so much! At church the elders had a new investigator came in with the cutest smallest baby ever- It was in all white so I went over and asked- oh he is so cute...How old is he! Well turns out it is a girl! haha Akward- Hopefully she still knows the church is true after my insult! Sorry Elders! But Ioved Church and for once in my life didn't want it to end and wanted it to go longer and longer! There are kids crawling all over the stage during the sacrament and putting stickers all over their mom's face and I love it! Makes me feel at home! We also get to go to Young Women's every friday night for Mutal which is so fun and its like hanging out with Jordy and Naes!

Everyone here allready talks about how funny I talk and have all tried to teach me "correct" english- They said all my "T's" are "D's" like Cotton, kitty, etc and they tell me to practice every morning! haha so Every moring I repeat Cotton, Kitty, Brother Betteridge, pretty, Mattie, etc! haha Im picking it up! Everywhere we go we drink "squash" which is American water down concentrate you put in water! haha pretty good and it grows on you! The food is very different but good! We went shopping today and they had nothing I was normally eat- even there fruit and veggies are a bit different. But you learn to eat anything! I even found make shift englishg "Fig Nuttons" made my day! I love Fig Nuttons and all I want is a big bag of those and my favorite plain Animal crackers, so Ill have to keep my eyes out! haha
-Mom I dont need that backpack- its just easier to buy one here I promise and probably cheeper! So don't worry about it! Thanks though and My package came I just got to have one of the zone leaders pick it up in Birmingham! But missionary life is great- hard and so great! Go go go....but great great great! This week we have a ward activity we get to help with and the ward is just so great! I hope one day you can meet them all mom and dad!

But I tought my first lesson on Thursday to Tania- who is going to be baptized on 27 April. I didnt do all the work but cant wait to attend her baptism! Pretty exciting! We also hopefully can stop by our 13 Potential Investigators we found and start teaching some of them! But its just lovely here and Im catching on to things and slowly not standing out so bad! But hope all is well, I loved each email! Tara the boys are so cute and everyone loves looking at ALL my billion pictures of them plasterd all over my flat! I thought this month was autism awareness month! Ill remember to wear Blue for my sweet Ty Ty- He seems like he is making so much improvement every day! Tell them I love them and make sure they dont forget me! But hope you enjoy the Pictures and TARA JO- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry these arent nothing to special but I didnt have much time to do anything else but hope your day is great tomorow and you love your new camera! Make TJ buy you something and say its from me!

Love you all so much and miss you so much! Tara, TJ, Dev, Teddi, Amy and Dally- Thank you for your examples of being missionaries! Now I understand it but thank you for your examples- Love you all! Cheers-

Sister Wengert

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I made it!

Hello from England! I have finally made it to this chocolate and crumpit loving area! And let me tell you Jet Lag is killing me! I have almost fallin asleep in pretty much every thing today- luckily were not doing to much! The flights were LONG but fun to have everyone around ( all 29 missionaries) I even passed out 2 handouts to this professional European Basketball player on the plan to Amsterdam! But then on the flight to Birmingham got my first rejection from Hanz from Denmark when I offered him a Book of Mormon...but you gotta start somewere! But my compions name is Sister Obis Sanchez and she is from Madrid, Spain! haha Pretty crazy- she is good so far just trying to get to know eachother. Im writing from a members home now after they fed us dinner. It is sooo different here- its so crazy! It is really like learning a new language here, I have to start memorizing the metric system and other words! But I love it but definitely feeling overwhelmed and very out of place!
My Pday is Monday so Ill email ya then- Mom when you send that other package- can you also put in my black laptop backpack I used for schoool or If not ill just buy a new one here!- i believe its next door in a tub! I hope Sister Rasmussen called ya and you got to chat! call her with any problems with Meds! Love you all, Gotta Run before I fall asleep again! Love ya
Sister Wengert

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Week

I survived my first week here at the MTC and what a week! It is so hard and so great all at the same time! Let me tell you I was a mess when I left that curbisde and miss you all so much! Thank goodness Elder Bickley came and helped me find my host sister! but ya everything is a blurr but at the same time, feels like I have been here for FOREVER! But so far so good!
My companion is Sister Driggs! She is a fireball but I love her to death! We clicked so well and have had so many good and hard moments together! She is from South Jordan and so much fun! We have had some really hard Personal Invesitgators (PIs) together but overall work really well together. There are 5 sisters and 3 elders in our district and we are all going to England together and leave in 6 days! Now I understand why everyone said Im so lucky to only be in the MTC for a week and 4 days! It is so hard, but I could not imagine learning a language! Thank goodness for english and foreign- best mission ever. Ps I see Derek...I mean Elder Wengert everywere! Haha the first time I ran up and gave him a big hug and everyone was like whattttt.... and I had to further explain but later I got in trouble for giving him a hug, supposable it was because it makes others jealous.
Me and sister Driggs taught our first lesson on friday! Our PI is named Rob and he is tough our first lesson was a fail, and my teacher was not afraid to tell us! Pretty tough, but we got to redo it the next day and it is slowly getting better. We also got to teach our first TRC investigator on Monday and  we rocked it! It was so fun and it feels so good to have done a good job! Our district is so great, we have literally became best of friends and love each one of the elders and sisters to death! I cant beleive we are leaving in 6 days! I am so exicted but so nervous! I realized that I no nothing and have so much to learn as a missionary it's not even funny! This week has had so many hard moments, but so many great ones that overide the hard ones, and I know that in the end it will just make me a better missionary.
Lets just say the food here at the Mtc....well the bananas and pinapple are great and all you can eat! haha but dont worry, sister wengert wont be gaining any weight here, excpt grandma sent me fignewtons and veggie straws:) Thank you grandma! Mom- will you foward on this email to everyone who want it:) Love ya
Sunday was so great! How was your easter! Sunday we had a meeting with all 3000 missionaries and took the sacrament and listened to Bishop Cusee the presiding bishop  in the seventy! It was so great and his talk was incredible! Definitly a diffferent kind of Easter! Later that evening we had Sherrry Dew come and talk at our fireside! She really is such an incredible lady!
I dont have much time, You are always so busy at the MTC, so Im just throwing out random things!
I love the sisters in my district, we have definitly laughed and cried together and grown so close together.
On Saturday we were all just having a rough day as a district and I wasn't feeling very weel. I had a really bad head cold and just achy all over and that evening the Elders offered us all blessings. I immediatly accepted- Elder Mcfarland gave me his first ever blessing it was so beautiful. His hands were so shaky but I know the words truly were inspired! Such a powerful expereince.
Me and Sister Driggs are officially Cordinating Sisters! haha So we get to help train the new missionaries that head in today! Well hope all is well, I cant wait to here everything about home! Miss you all! Mom I will be callin you on TUESDAY and cant wait to talk to ya! It will prob be early around 7 am! So Please answer Our flight leaves early so Tuesday expect it! Love you so much, this work is inceredible and I love being a missionary! I love this gospel and know Im right were I belong! Thanks for the letters- Seriously make a long day so worth it! Love ya all
Sister Wengert